a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian Faith in a welcoming and friendly environment. There are 3 components to Alpha: Food, a short video and discussion to raise some of the basic teachings of our Catholic Faith. Think who you would like to invite to Alpha! Sign up below!
Sessions starting the week of September 16, 2024
Mondays at St. Raphael RC Parish
Niagara Falls 11am - 12:30pm
Tuesdays at St. John's RC Parish
Lockport 6 - 7:30pm
Wednesdays at St. Vincent de Paul Parish @
St. Leo Site/Bingo Hall – Niagara Falls 6:30 - 8pm
Thursdays at Immaculate Conception Parish
Ransomville 6 - 7:30pm
Thank you for registering for our Alpha Program
Niagara Frontier Catholic Community
St. Peter - Lewiston * St. Bernard - Youngstown
Immaculate Conception - Ransomville
Family Office:
620 Center St
Lewiston, NY 14092
Email Us
P: 716-754-4118 | F: 716-754-4141
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