Faith Topics and Lessons for 2024-2025
Welcome to Faith Formation Topics & Lessons for families with children Grades 1-8!
Attend a ‘Start-Up Meeting’-
*To receive materials needed for lessons and;
learn how to best utilize the lesson content for your family.
Submit the
Faith Journey Checklist
that you’ll receive at your ‘Start-up Meeting’ to the Faith Formation Office so that we can monitor your family’s progress in our system which is important when determining readiness for sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, & Confirmation).
Diocesan Protecting God’s Children Safety Lesson to be 2024-25 (completed by December 1, 2024)
Diocesan Safety Lesson (Parents please preview the videos before showing them to your children.)
Empowering God's Children 1 Grades K-5 - YouTube
Empowering God's Children 2 Grades 6-8 - YouTube
Empowering God's Children 3 Grades 9 12 - YouTube
When the lesson is completed, please fill out the Safety Lesson Response Form.
Faith Topics (click Topics to access lessons):
Niagara Frontier Catholic Community
St. Peter - Lewiston * St. Bernard - Youngstown
Immaculate Conception - Ransomville
Family Office:
620 Center St
Lewiston, NY 14092
Email Us
P: 716-754-4118 | F: 716-754-4141
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