Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist in the celebration of the Eucharist by their exemplary participation at Mass, carrying the processional cross and candles, using incense and bells, as well as helping the priest in the preparation of the gifts and the purification of the sacred vessels. For more information check out the links here. If you would like to become an Altar Server, contact the Rectory at 716-754-4118. Trainings are generally held in the Fall.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the celebration of the Eucharist by helping distribute Holy Communion. They may also bring Communion to those who are homebound. For more information, check out the links provided here. If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister, please fill out the form and submit it to the Rectory. Once approved by the pastor, sponsored training is scheduled with the Diocese of Buffalo.
Lectors assist in the celebration of the Eucharist by the proclamation of the Word of God. Additionally, Lectors provide parish announcements and may have a role in the Universal Prayer. For more information check out the links provided. If interested in becoming a Lector, please call the rectory at 716-754-4118.
Ushers assist in the celebration of the Eucharist by providing public assistance in finding seats, restrooms, finding volunteers for the gifts, taking up the collection, and maintaining a safe environment. If interested in becoming an Usher please call the Rectory at 716-754-4118.
Niagara Frontier Catholic Community
St. Peter - Lewiston * St. Bernard - Youngstown
Immaculate Conception - Ransomville
Family Office:
620 Center St
Lewiston, NY 14092
Email Us
P: 716-754-4118 | F: 716-754-4141
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