

(Family Friendly Advent Calendar)

Celebrating the Seasons of Advent & Christmas. A interacting Family Friendly calendar to experience the true joy of the Advent & Christmas season.

Advent Calendar

The Holy Bible

This is a pdf of the Douay-Rheims Bible- a direct translation from the Latin Vulgate. 

Douay-Rheims Bible

The link below is another online biblical resource from the USCCB.


Master Catechism

This resource is an integrated, hyperlinked collection of the five historic catechisms of the Catholic Church which offer answers to questions on the deposit of the faith. The catechisms are presented in historical order. First, the Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas, an introductory work the great saint preached during Lent in 1273. Second, the Catechism of the Council of Trent, first released in 1566 in the wake of the Protestant Reformation (this catechism is known as the Roman Catechism or the Catechism of St. Pius V). Third, the Baltimore Catechism, first relased in 1891. Fourth, the Catechism of St. Pius X. Fifth and finally, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, first relased in 1992 and is the current teaching standard of the Church.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

A Simple Prayer Rule

This document is provided by Matt Fradd, creator of "Pints with Aquinas," an apologetics apostalte that tries to answer questions about the Catholic faith from a Thomistic understanding. His example of a prayer rule reflects the Church's tradition of marking the day with prayer. You could utilize these prayers as your own prayer rule, or as an example to create your own.

A Simple Prayer Rule

Stations of the Cross

This meditation on the Passion and Death of Jesus includes prayer and commentary from saints, Doctors of the Church, and modern theologians who wish for you to encounter the Incarnated Christ in His most vulnerable moments. 

Stations of the Cross

Virtues and Vices

This document provides an exhaustive list of the moral, theological, and intellectual virtues and their contrarian vices. This is a wonderful resource for an examination of conscience before the Sacrament of Confession, or for your own edification.

Institute of Catholic Culture

This website offers free courses/lectures/live events on topics ranging from theology to philosophy to catechesis. All content is created and taught in accordance with the Magisterium and by reputable professors, priests, and lay persons educated in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. 

Institute of Catholic Culture

Theology of the Body

This pdf document is a compilation of the General Audiences Pope St. John Paul II held from 1979-1984 on the redemption the body and the sacramentality of marriage. This is a great read for those taking the Theology of the Body course, engaged, newlyweds, married, and anyone with questions on the Church's position of sexual ethics. 

Theology of the Body

Introduction to Catholic Morality

This resource is presented by the Knights of Columbus and offers a brief introduction to the essence of Catholic Morality and how Catholics should live. 

Catholic Morality

Saint Books

This website contains links for hundreds of reprinted books/meditations/commentaries/sermons on theological and spiritual topics from the saints, Doctors of the Church, mystics, and other holy men and women. Through the generous donations of faithful Catholics around the world, all of these works are free of charge for the spiritual benefits of the reader. 

Saint Books

Brother Francis Videos for Young Children

This resource offers videos for young children on all facets of the Catholic faith. To view the videos, click the link below and use the following password: SPFaith

Brother Francis Videos

Must-Watch Videos!

This is a curated list of videos presented at our most recent workshops, recommended by our faith formation staff, or beneficial for yourself or your family spiritually and intellectually. Enjoy!

The Examen Prayer with Fr. Mark Mary, CFR

How to Be a Saint with Fr. Mike Schmitz

Praying Together as a Family

The Mass for Kids

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

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